Mrs. Wilcox's Page

Hello, Grade 4 Science Students!

Here are some great things for you to explore.

Stay Curious! 

(These three links will pause partway through.  I am working on a solution for 2021-2022)




I lava you



Tour the International Space Station for fun




Mystery Science Mini Lessons

How Does Hand Sanitizer Kill Germs?

How do germs get inside your body?

Do masks really stop the Coronavirus?

How do vaccines work?



Here are the steps for login:  (2021-2022 students do not have accounts at this time.)
Google/search for "Storia".
The first option is usually the Storia School Version.  Select that.
(You may need to click the upper right corner of this page to login.)
It will give the option to login as an educator or student.
Choose student, then use your case sensitive name and password.
You can choose a profile picture, and background color.
From there, you can then see your bookshelf, and many collections of FREE reading materials.



Here's more from Mystery Doug.  These are just for fun, if you are interested.


How is maple syrup made?

How do bees make honey?



(  Login: chippewahh   Password:  hh  )


State Flag Activity


7 surface tension experiments to try

These surface tension experiments were from earlier this year, but not everyone tried them.

These could be fun to try with the entire family!  (Try to wear a Chippewa shirt if you want to send me a photo of your projects.)



Where can you find whales in the desert?

How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?

Can you outrun a dinosaur?

Will a mountain last forever?



Further Challenges to Explore:

NASA for Kids


Interactive geometry


*** learn to type ***

WPM challenge


Continent and Ocean Challenge


WWF animal information


Second animal research page




Try to match 4 traits in a row to win!

Quarto Interactive