CHIPPEWA September NEEDLE MOVER April Roth-Kimber


Congratulations! You have been named a Needle Mover in Chippewa Local Schools and the community we serve. 

Name: April Roth-Kimber

Position with District: School Counselor, Sophomore class advisor

(Please Note: This can be your paid job, your coaching/advising, and/or your volunteer work)

Length of Time Doing What You Do: 8 as counselor, 15 in district

What You Do for Chippewa: I help students with academic, college & career and social emotional issues

Family Info (OPTIONAL): married – husband Bob, kids Grant & Gabe

Pets (OPTIONAL): 2 dogs Coco & Emma

Favorite Things

Movie: Notebook, Dirty Dancing (original)

TV Show: Friends

Sport/Team: Buckeyes and Browns

Music/Music Artist: Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks

Books or Authors: Love to read fav author Jodi Pioult

Hobbies: woodworking, reading, travel, swimming

Outdoor Activities: hiking, walks, exploring, swimming

Favorite Treat: chocolate

A Place You Have Always Wanted to Go but Have Never Been: Italy & Greece